Instant gratification. Well, almost.
Photography is one of my escapes. Whereas films take days and weeks to complete, I can spend a couple hours in the woods or near the water and play with the results that day with photography.
I especially enjoy night photography. I let the camera keep its eye open for a few seconds or minutes and BOOM: something appears that I could not see with my own eye. One technique I often use is a flashlight and "paint" elements within the photo with light to bring out details or create shadows.
Another challenge is capturing movement. When it comes to people, I prefer not to stage them. I'd sooner follow them on a walk in the woods or be with their children on a playground, looking for that moment that reveals something about the soul. I guess all of my photography is about that on some level.
If you have an interest in getting a print made, give me a shout. I'll work with you to get it made up right. I can get it framed or you can get the print and have that done yourself. Let me know!